Borve House Hotel

On the Friday and Saturday before Christmas day a 'Santa's Grotto' for children was organised and held by the staff of Borve House Hotel.

The money collected from it was to be donated to the Western Isles kidney Patients Association (WIKPA). Despite the unfavourable weather on both these days the magnificent sum of over £1,800 was raised. Pictured is Mr and Mrs Dougie McGilvray, owners of the hotel, presenting a cheque for £4,000 to Alice Macdonald and Alena Morrison of WIPKA. The sum raised at the grotto was rounded up to £4,000 by the McGilvray family.

WIKPA would like to thank the hotel staff for their efforts, the parents and children for venturing out in such weather;and most of all a very warm thank you to the McGilvray family for their exceptional generosity.

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