Isle of Harris Guides and Rangers enjoy their first camp

At the campAt the camp
At the camp
Twenty-one Isle of Harris Guides and Rangers have earned their Camper and Outdoor Cook badges at the first weekend camp of their own at Horgabost beach.

The girls cooked all of their own meals on Trangia camping stoves, explored the nearby woods and went Geocaching.

Coasteering was a highlight, the crystal clear sea was even quite warm to jump in to!

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The sun continued to shine on Beach Olympics and the sand sculpture competition, and there was a beautiful sunset as the girls’ lit the campfire, sang songs and toasted marshmallows.

The Guides, Rangers and leaders say thank you to the Horgabost campsite staff for being so helpful and welcoming.

Thanks also to Duncan MacKay Ltd. for providing wood for the campfire and all friends of Girlguiding Harris who have provided support for camp or kindly donated to the units.

If you would like to join us as a Rainbow, Brownie, Guide, Ranger or an adult who would like to help some of the time, please contact Matilda – [email protected] or 07771 518 250.

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