Peter's Patter - I had no Ikea

Not Peter's car ... obviouslyNot Peter's car ... obviously
Not Peter's car ... obviously
I am just back from Glasgow, yet again, but this time the return journey was a little bit different from all those other journeys we have made to the mainland since 1998 because this time there was no children to transport to and fro!

A little bit sad but a little bit good also, as my wife pointed out that we have plenty of room to buy some things from IKEA at Braehead.

Now buying from IKEA takes a lot of skill when you do not live on the mainland.

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It is not about what you can buy but more like what you can fit in the car.

Our long departed Peugeot had a fantastic roof rack and we used to strap everything on top but all that soon stopped after a little incident outside Fort William when I braked just a tad too hard at a junction and our chest of drawers flew off the roof and headed on its own towards Spean Bridge!

Over-packing cars is legendary throughout the islands and I’m sure everyone has their own story but I always remember the day my friend came off the ferry with a washing machine, tumble dryer and bike sticking out the boot of his car.

He didn’t admit it but I bet the back of the car was scraping along the A9 with sparks flying off it.

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Our Skoda has a massive boot so I was fairly confident that we could pack a fair few items inside without resorting to drastic measures but I have to admit I was a bit shocked to find that we could squeeze in two beds and a mattress alongside our luggage and a pack of ceiling panels we picked up in Inverness!

It did take me a fair few attempts to get it right.

In fact I had to buy the first bed, then pack it, then go pack to buy the second bed and fit that in before being confident enough to buy the mattress and stuff it in.

At one point there were packages all over the pavement as I tried different ways to pack them in and make room for more stuff.

I even managed to attract a little crowd to witness my feat along with a few suggestions where to stick the packages. Some I ignored!

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Eventually it was all packed and we headed back to my mother’s house to say cheerio before we headed off for the ferry.

Obviously I had to show off my packing prowess to my Dad but he didn’t seem too impressed.

“Where are you going to put the two duvets you promised your Mum you would take away with you?” he asked!