Outer Hebrides Covid-19 surveillance programme is now underway

Residents are being told not to worry.Residents are being told not to worry.
Residents are being told not to worry.
Residents are being told not to worry as a health programme is underway.

NHS Western Isles and Police Scotland would like to reassure individuals that a Covid Surveillance Programme is currently taking place within the Outer Hebrides.

The programme is organised directly by the Office of National Statistics, University of Oxford and the Scottish Government, but is not associated to NHS Western Isles.

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Those participating in this survey had previously volunteered to take part, and surveillance staff conducting the survey will visit their homes each fortnight to obtain samples.

Should anyone have any concerns about being approached at their home, they are asked to contact Police Scotland in the first instance on their non-emergency number 101, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.