Gavin Berkeneger has been selected by the Western Isles Conservative and Unionist Association

Gavin has been selected to stand by the Conservatives.Gavin has been selected to stand by the Conservatives.
Gavin has been selected to stand by the Conservatives.
The Western Isles Conservative and Unionist Association have announced Mr Gavin Berkeneger as their candidate to contest Na h-Eileanan an Iar in this May’s Scottish elections.

Gavin was born in Muir of Ord and is a Chartered geologist who runs his own business. A graduate of Aberdeen University he is married to Marina a tailoress whose family hails from Point.Gavintold the Gazette: “I am delighted to have been selected as the Conservative candidate for Na h-Eileanan an Iar. I look forward to the campaign and making the case for an alternative political path for the these islands away from 14 years of SNP rule.”An association spokesperson said: “We are delighted to have Gavin as our candidate, his background and vast experience in business domestically and internationally will provide our islands with a representative qualified and determined to lead the vanguard in resurrecting our local economy post covid. Our islands need new leadership and a change from the status quo.”

Commenting on his adoption Highlands and Islands MSP Donald Cameron commented: “I am delighted that Gavin is to be the candidate for Na h-Eileanan an Iar. He knows the islands very well indeed and will bring his substantial business experience to the role, something which we badly need in politics.“As we have seen in recent elections support for the Scottish Conservatives has been growing in leaps and bounds in the Western Isles and we are now best placed to take the fight to the SNP, a party which seems to be increasingly focused on the Central belt and obsessed with holding another divisive independence referendum.”

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