Community events face survival​ threat

The gala day on Riof machair was hugely popular, but now faces a threat due to increasing regulation.The gala day on Riof machair was hugely popular, but now faces a threat due to increasing regulation.
The gala day on Riof machair was hugely popular, but now faces a threat due to increasing regulation.
There are concerns about the future of community events around the islands, such as local shows and gala days, following cancellation at short notice of one of the most popular summer gatherings – Uig Gala Day in Lewis.

In a statement, the Uig Community Centre Association which organises the event said: “After consideration and taking into account volunteer numbers, increasing bureaucracy and financial climate, it is with a heavy heart that we have taken the very difficult decision to not hold this year’s Uig Gala Day”.

For more than 25 years, the event on Riof machair has been a summer highlight with crowds of more than 2000 heading for Uig on the first Saturday in July.

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The reference to “increasing bureaucracy” is understood to refer to on-site catering, stewarding and other issues which have not arisen in the past.

The challenges which these events face also include rising costs and diminishing populations, especially younger volunteers. As one local said: “The Gala Day has got bigger and bigger but the people to do the work are getting fewer and fewer”.

The Gala Day has been an important source of funding for the community. However, rising costs and weather dependency have made that more uncertain.

Association chair Tina Macritchie said: “We’re grateful to people for their understanding and support. With more time, we hope we can meet the challenges but these are issues which are affecting every similar event”.