Pic Lisa Ferguson 07/05/2015
Edinburgh West Contituency Results - Lib Dems Mike Crockart loses his seat to SNP Michelle Thomson
UK Parlmentary General Election 2015 - Edinburgh Count, Edinburgh International COnference CentrePic Lisa Ferguson 07/05/2015
Edinburgh West Contituency Results - Lib Dems Mike Crockart loses his seat to SNP Michelle Thomson
UK Parlmentary General Election 2015 - Edinburgh Count, Edinburgh International COnference Centre
Pic Lisa Ferguson 07/05/2015 Edinburgh West Contituency Results - Lib Dems Mike Crockart loses his seat to SNP Michelle Thomson UK Parlmentary General Election 2015 - Edinburgh Count, Edinburgh International COnference Centre
THE SNP has won Edinburgh West from the Lib Dems by a majority of over 3000.

Victor Michelle Thomson said the new contingent of SNP MPs would pursue progressive policies for the benefit of Scotland and the rest of the UK.

She said: “The shape of UK politics has changed. No longer will it simply shift between the two dominant parties.

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“As well as a beginning this also marks an end - the end of the austerity agenda and relentless cuts to the benefits of our most vulnerable people and ane end to freezing Scotland’s voiced out of Westminster.”

Defeated MP Mike Crockart said: “I’m very disappointed, but this is democracy. I have been incredibly proud to have swerved the constituents of Edinburgh West over the past five years. It has been an immense privilege and an honour and I have tried to be a strong and principled representative for all of my constituency”

He congratulated his successor but his voice broke with emotion as he thanked his family for their support.

Mr Crockart had been MP since the last election in 2010, but the seat had been in Lib Dem hands since 1997.


SNP Michelle Thomson 21378

LD Mike Crockart 18168

CON Lindsay Paterson 6732

LAB Cammy Day 6425

GRN Pat Black 1140

UKIP George Inglis 1015

Majority 3210

Total votes cast 54,858

2015 Electorate 71,717

2015 Turn out 76.6%